Hey and welcome, I’m so happy you’re here.
From this point on it is my mission to get you loving who you see in the mirror and feeling your best.
I can help you understand what styles really work for you which will totally transform how you feel in your clothes.
It’s a well known fact that how you dress impacts how you feel, and I’m here to help you start each day beaming with positivity.
I’ve worked with many women across the UK helping them overcome their styling struggles and body shape concerns, and address their wardrobe confusion achieving greater confidence with actual know-how so they can continue to feel amazing. I’d love to help you too.
Whether you’re a female entrepreneur currently hiding behind a logo with through fear of putting yourself out there and in front of potential clients, or you’re doing this for you to feel more confident and stylish in your clothes; if your image doesn’t fill you with excitement and positivity, and beautifully reflect your personality you can breathe a sigh of relief - I’ve got that covered.
Hi, I’m Michelle.
A qualified Personal Stylist, lover of coffee and driven to help you positively transform your confidence both inside and outside of the workplace by creating the desired image you’ve been seeing in others and only dreaming of for yourself. Up to now!
For too long you’ve been hiding away, not able to stand confident and share with the world an image you truly love. And as a result, each morning all the motivation and feel-good buzz is drained from you, which is unfortunately reflected in your mood:
You’re deflated every time you go to get dressed
You feel samey & boring in your outfits
You don’t feel good in anything and opt for the safe option again
You’re lacking the confidence you need for the day ahead
Having any style seems so far away
You start the day with a glass half empty kind of way.
Yet let me tell you lovely, you’re not alone, these feelings are actually very common. And I can show you the way out!
I also want to point out, that it’s not you! Please stop blaming yourself and perhaps any weight you might have gained as to why you need to hide away.
Regardless of shape or size, you can discover greater confidence, and with that create an image that mirrors your amazingness that ripples into other areas of your life too.
It’s all too easy for 10 years to go by repeating the same struggles day in day out.
Isn’t it time to change that and have more confidence in yourself and create an image you really love now?
Working together I can help you do just that and have you:
Beaming with far greater confidence
Feeling excitement when opening your wardrobe doors
Knowing how to mix & match items and create fabulous looks time after time
Getting dressed in a more positive and relaxed environment
Feeling more stylish
Start your day, FEELING GREAT!